General Election Fever Spreads at The Podcast Show

Panels at Podcast Show discussing general election

It’s day one of The Podcast Show in London. It’s fair to say that General Election fever has taken hold. There are various panels with key journalists and political figures taking place today. Participants are desperate to find out if they are going to be dealing with a vote in just a few weeks time.

Indeed, one of the panels featured various BBC figures discussing how their podcasts will handle the General Election. “Today” presenter Nick Robinson was one of those speaking. He was also surreptitiously checking his phone to find out the latest gossip.

Robinson revealed that he may replace Andrew Neil and conduct the expected sit-down interviews with the party leaders during the short campaign. Furthermore, the “Today Podcast” he co-presents with Amol Rajan is set to go twice weekly. An extra episode will come out on Mondays.

Meanwhile, The Times brought together Lord Daniel Finkelstein, Lord Peter Mandelson, Polly Mackenzie and Matt Chorley to discuss their podcast “How To Win an Election” with Manveen Rana. Labour veteran Lord Mandelson put it in rather straightforward terms. He said that the longer the government waits for a General Election, the greater the chance of something going wrong. Tory peer Lordon Finkelstein was largely in agreement, saying that the economy is the main reason to hold on.

General Election News

Of course, these panels also gave a broader insight into the podcasting industry. There will be plenty more gossip and insight from The Podcast Show in Friday’s newsletter. To avoid missing out, subscribe directly to my newsletter. If you’re interested in both my writing and politics, join the “House of Comments” Patreon. We will be doing extra episodes once the campaign kicks off. Becoming a Patreon Supporter gives you access to those episodes, my newsletter and Emma Burnell’s paid newsletter.

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